A hot dog and beer. A double play from your middle infield. At Bat Premium + MLB Network. Those are baseball combos that can carry you all season long.
For the entire 2025 season, fans can listen to live audio for all 30 teams blackout-free on At Bat Premium and stream MLB Network 24/7 for $69.99 yearly or $6.99 monthly.
With your At Bat Premium + MLB Network subscription, you can watch up to 15 MLBN out-of-market games live per week. The package also includes live Minor League games and MLB Big Inning, which brings fans all the best action from around MLB with live look-ins, breaking highlights and big moments as they are happening all season long.
Start a free trial of At Bat Premium + MLB Network for seven days, and you can cancel at any time.
The At Bat Premium + MLB Network package automatically renews on or around the anniversary date of your initial subscription each year.