The National College Baseball Hall of Fame joins baseball fans everywhere in mourning the passing of Lou Brock. Lou was a 2012 inductee, which was the second year of our Black College Legends and Pioneers Committee.
Lou played on the 1959 Southern University NAIA national championship team. We knew that he¡¯d hit a big homerun in the final game of that championship run, but he very adroitly connected his induction weekend in Lubbock with that moment so many years earlier by reminding us that the ¡¯59 NAIA World Series was played in Alpine, Texas, a few hours south of Lubbock. He talked about his success in Alpine leading to his opportunity to play with the ¡¯59 Pan American team, which led to his signing by the Cubs the following summer. He said, ¡®In some ways, it all started for me out here in West Texas.¡¯
At one of our events that weekend, Lou saw a table of Little Leaguers and asked to go meet them. We escorted him over there and he was wonderful with the boys. But it was the looks on the faces of their fathers that truly made the moment. It was classic Lou Brock, full of grace and dignity.
He and his wife Jacqueline made a tremendous impression on us that weekend. They were accommodating and friendly and just lovely people.
Lou Brock was a treasure and we are glad to have honored his college baseball career. Rest in peace, Lou Brock. Long may you run.
Mike Gustafson
College Baseball Foundation