Royals to host voter registration event
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (July 1, 2020) - The Kansas City Royals are proud to host a Missouri Voter Registration event this Friday, July 3. The postmark deadline to vote in the Missouri Primary election (scheduled for August 4) is Wednesday, July 8. The General election is November 3 with a registration deadline of October 7.
The event will take place Friday from 8 a.m. to noon at the Kansas City Urban Youth Academy, located at 1622 E 17th Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. 64108. Appointments are not needed but facemasks are required and will be available on site. Kansas City residents can participate at the event and must bring a photo I.D. Missouri requires registrants to be 17 ? years of age for registration and 18 years old at the time of the vote. Registrants must also be a U.S. citizen and a Missouri resident. Information on how to vote in Kansas and other states can be found at
For more information, visit our Royals and Royals Charities social media channels.