All policies are subject to change and will be updated prior to the start of each season.
A-Z Guide
Animals: With the exception of legitimate service animals, no pets or animals of any kind are allowed into the stadium or practice areas.
Bag Storage: Available for $15 on a first come first served basis to store bags that cannot enter the stadium. Located outside the home plate ticket office. Rentals open two hours prior to the day's scheduled first pitch.
Banners: Banners or signs are not permitted at Camelback Ranch-Glendale without the express written consent of Camelback Spring Training LLC.
Cameras and Video Cameras: Cameras and video cameras are permitted. Camera tripods are not permitted as they pose a trip hazard.
Capacity: Approx. 10,000 seats plus approx. 3,000 lawn (grass hillsides)
- See the Ticket Terms and Conditions
Cellular Telephones and Pagers: Cellular telephones and pagers are allowed in the stadium and practice areas provided their use does not interfere with other guest*s enjoyment of the game. Free Wi-Fi is available to all fans inside the stadium. Fans are encouraged to pay attention to the game as flying balls and bats may unexpectedly enter the seating bowl.
Chairs/Lawn Umbrellas: Personal chairs and lawn umbrellas are not permitted inside the venue.
Children*s Entry into the Park: Children two (2) years old and younger are not required to have a ticket. Any child who enters without a ticket must share a seat with the accompanying adult.
Concessions: The venue features your ballpark favorites like Dodger Dogs and Chicago Dogs, plus ice cold beers. Unique items available include a Walking Taco, the World Famous 18§ pizza slice and house-smoked barbeque. Camelback Ranch-Glendale contracts with Delaware North Sportservice to offer some of the best concession items in the Cactus League.
Concourse: Playing catch or running on the concourse is not permitted.
Containers/Coolers: Only CLEAR Bags measuring 12"x12"x6" or smaller will be permitted to enter Camelback Ranch-Glendale. To meet Major League Baseball recommendations, ONLY medical bags and manufactured diaper bags accompanied by a young child are allowed into the stadium. All medical bags and manufactured diaper bags are subject to search.
Diaper Bags: Manufactured diaper bags are permitted when accompanied by an infant or young child. All bags are subject to search.
Directions to Camelback Ranch-Glendale: Click here for driving directions
Disabled Guest Information: Click here for accessibility information
Dugouts: The Chicago White Sox utilize the dugout on the first base line and the Los Angeles Dodgers home dugout is on the third base line. Guests are not allowed in or on the dugouts. Violation of this rule is cause for automatic ejection. Food, beverage and personal items are not permitted atop dugouts.
Electronic Devices: Cell phones and transistor radios with headphones will be permitted only if they do not interfere with another guest's enjoyment of the game. Tripods are not permitted.
Elevator: An elevator, located behind home plate, is available for suite-level access.
Exit & Re-Entry: Guests are permitted to exit and re-enter the stadium at the Home Plate and Centerfield Gates only and only after the conclusion of the 1st inning. Guests must have ticket in-hand for scanning to exit and must present their ticket upon re-entry, as well as go through re-screening for security purposes. Guests attempting to re-enter the facility without a ticket will not be allowed re-entry.
Field Access: Guests are not permitted on the field without proper credentials. Violation of this policy will result in immediate ejection and/or arrest. In case of extreme emergency field access gates may be opened to allow emergency access.
Forms of Payment: Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express are accepted throughout the facility.
Foul Balls: Patrons are welcome to keep foul balls hit into guest areas only.
Gates Open: Stadium gates open 60 minutes prior to first pitch.
Interference: Guests are not to interfere with a ball in play or interrupt a game in any form. Violations of this rule will result in automatic ejection from the facility.
Lost Children/Parents: A lost child or parent should be brought immediately to the Guest Relations booth located behind home plate.
Lost and Found: Lost and found items should be brought to the Guest Relations booth located behind home plate.
Paging: The paging system is for emergency announcements only and cannot be used for paging children or other guests.
Parking: Parking is free at Camelback Ranch-Glendale. Vehicles are parked at the owner*s/driver*s own risk. Without the approval of Camelback Spring Training, LLC, there is no overnight parking in the stadium or practice-field parking lots.
Permitted Items: The following is a list of items permitted into the stadium on gameday:
- Baseball and glove (no bats)
- Binoculars
- Blankets or towels (no umbrellas)
- Cameras (no professional equipment)
- Diaper bag (manufactured) when accompanied by a young child
- Foam seat cushions (no hard-framed stadium seats)
- Hand-held electronic devices (no noise-making devices)
- One (1) unopened bottle of water per person, sized one (1) liter or smaller
- Only CLEAR BAGS sized 12" x 12" x 6", manufactured diaper bags accompanied by a young child, and medical bags will be permitted. Strapless clutch bags, 5" x 9" or smaller, will also be permitted. All bags are subject to search.
- Strollers, when accompanied by a young child
- Video cameras
Prohibited Items: The following is a list of items prohibited in the stadium on gameday:
- Aerosol cans (including sunscreen in an aerosol can)
- Animals (except for certified service animals and service animals in training)
- Bags (except for those mentioned in permitted items)
- Banners, signs, and flags
- Beach balls or other inflatables
- Cans
- Glass bottles
- Hard-sided coolers
- Fireworks
- Firearms, knives, or other weapons (Pursuant to A.R.S. ∫4-229)
- Laser devices or pointers
- Noisemaking devices (including, but not limited to, air horns, cowbells, musical instruments, whistles, boom boxes, vuvuzelas)
- No outside food or drink (other than one (1) unopened bottle of water per person, sized one (1) liter or smaller)
- Professional photographic tools or equipment (including tripods, monopods, or lenses longer than 6 inches)
- Skateboards or rollerblades
- Smoking including Electronic Cigarettes (only permitted in designated areas in accordance with Smoke-Free Arizona Act A.R.S. ∫36-601.01)
- Toy guns or knives (including water guns)
- Sticks or clubs
- Umbrellas
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Drones (Pursuant to A.R.S. ∫28-8280)
- Overnight parking (vehicles left on property will be towed at owner*s expense)
- Wagons
- Wrapped packages
Practice Field Hours: Practice Fields open daily at 9 a.m.
Profanity: Profanity will not be tolerated. Any guest using profanity will be asked to cease or leave the stadium. Violations of this rule may be cause for ejection.
Rainout Exchange/Refund Policy: Click here for rainout exchange/refund information
Restrooms: Men*s and women*s restrooms are located throughout the facility
Scalping of Tickets: Resale of any ticket(s) on Camelback Ranch - Glendale property is illegal.
Smoking: Arizona bans smoking in public places. Guests will not be permitted to smoke in the stadium. Guests must exit the stadium at the home-plate gate to smoke in the designated smoking areas. Violation of this policy may result in arrest or citation. Exit and re-entry may take place only after the conclusion of the 1st inning.
Standing: Guests are not permitted to stand in areas directly behind the disabled seating areas.
Strollers: Strollers will only be permitted in designated areas of the stadium. The grass berm areas can accommodate strollers. Strollers are not permitted in the seating areas. Unattended strollers are left at the owner's risk.
Tailgating: Tailgating of any type is strictly prohibited.
Ticketing: Tickets can be purchased one of three ways. 1, by calling the Camelback Ranch-Glendale box office at (623) 302-5099. 2, by visiting the box office at Camelback Ranch-Glendale during operating hours. 3, online at Dodgers.com, WhiteSox.com or CamelbackRanchBaseball.com.
- Capacity: 13,000 (3,000 lawn)
Temperature: Typical high temperatures in late February and March average 70-85 degrees.
Throwing Objects: Throwing any object onto the field will result in automatic ejection.
Visual Bag Inspection: Every package, bag or object brought into the stadium or practice areas is subject to a visual inspection. Guests refusing to participate in the visual bag inspection are to be denied access into the stadium.
Weapons: Firearms or other weapons are not allowed in the stadium or practice areas. Violations of this rule will result in automatic ejection and/or arrest by law enforcement.
Ticketing FAQs
What forms of payment do you accept for purchasing tickets?
We accept American Express, Discover, Mastercard, and Visa.
How do I access my tickets?
See My Camelback Ranch Account for directions on how to access your tickets, including via the Ballpark App.
What is your refund policy?
See our Refund Policy for details.
When is the box office open for walk up purchases?
The box office opens in mid-February & closes at the end of Spring Training. For questions, please contact the Camelback Ranch Ticket Office at (623) 302-5099 or tickets@camelbackranchbaseball.com.
What*s the minimum age to require a ticket?
Children two (2) years old and younger are not required to have a ticket. Any child who enters without a ticket must share a seat with the accompanying adult.
Do you offer senior or military discounts?
Senior & military discounts are available for Sunday-Thursday games by purchasing at our box office on the day of the game, subject to availability.
How much is parking at Camelback Ranch?
Parking is complimentary at Camelback Ranch. There is no overnight parking.
What are your verified ticketing websites?
Purchase Camelback Ranch-Glendale Single Game Tickets on www.camelbackranchbaseball.com, www.dodgers.com, or www.whitesox.com. Tickets are also available on SeatGeek, the official Fan to Fan Ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball.
How do I purchase a videoboard message?
Videoboard messages are available for purchase at $50 per message. Each message can be up to 44 characters in length and will be displayed during one (1) inning break on the videoboard. If interested in purchasing a videoboard message, please contact the Camelback Ranch Ticket Sales team at least five (5) days before the game, subject to game availability, at (623) 302-5099 or tickets@camelbackranchbaseball.com.
Do I receive Dodger Rewards for purchasing Dodgers tickets at Camelback Ranch?
Yes! Tickets purchased directly through Camelback Ranch*s or the Dodgers* ticketing website are eligible to receive rewards points. Any tickets purchased through a third-party website will not be eligible for rewards points. Please allow 1-3 business days after the game for the points to reflect in your Dodgers Rewards account on the following browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.
How to Earn Dodger Rewards:
- Full Season per Seat 每 25 Points
- Half Season per Seat 每 15 Points
- Group per Game 每 10 Points
- Suite 每 10 Points
- Mini Plan or Single Game 每 1 point per ticket per game; Max of 6 points per game to attending patron (Purchased from www.camelbackranchbaseball.com or www.dodgers.com)
Refund/Exchange Policy
All Ticket Sales are Final - No Refunds or Exchanges given unless a regulation game (4? innings) is not played due to rainouts or other situations dictated by Major League Baseball.
2025 Cancellation - Rainout Policy
In the event a regulation game (4? innings) is not played due to rainouts or other situations dictated by Major League Baseball, tickets will be refunded. In some instances, customers may have the opportunity to exchange tickets to a future game in the same season, subject to availability.
Original Point of Purchase
In the event a regulation game (4? innings) is not played due to rainouts or other situations dictated by Major League Baseball, all patrons who purchased directly through Camelback Ranch will receive an automatic refund, which will be issued within five business days.
- For tickets purchased online through CamelbackRanchBaseball.com, Dodgers.com, or WhiteSox.com, automatic refunds will be issued to the original payment method if payment information is saved to patron*s account. A representative from Camelback Ranch-Glendale will contact patrons if more information is required to process the refund.
- For tickets purchased by phone through Camelback Ranch-Glendale, automatic refunds will be issued to the original payment method if payment information was saved to the patron*s account. A representative from Camelback Ranch-Glendale will contact patrons if more information is required to process the refund.
- For tickets purchased in-person at the box office, patrons must provide their physical tickets at the box office during regular operating hours or call 623-302-5099 to provide ticket information in order for the refund to be processed.
- For tickets purchased by any other means, including but not limited to, Vivid Seats, Ticketmaster Resale, Gametime, Ticket Center, Rukkus, etc., patrons must contact the company through whom they purchased.
- Season Ticket Holders will receive an automatic refund issued to the original payment method if payment information is saved to patron*s account. A representative from Camelback Ranch-Glendale will contact patrons if more information is required to process the refund.
- Group and Hospitality ticket holders will be contacted by a Camelback Ranch-Glendale representative and will have the option to receive a refund to the original payment method or exchange tickets based on availability. Note that all food served prior to the cancellation of a game is non-refundable.
Specific Stadium Locations
Concession Stands: Located throughout the ballpark.
Elevator: Located behind home plate on the lower concourse.
First-Aid Room: Located behind home plate on the lower concourse.
Guest Relations Booth: Designated for guest information and problem/complaint resolution. Located behind home plate on the main concourse level.
Lost and Found: Guests asking for lost articles should be directed to Guest Relations behind home plate. All lost articles will be turned in to the Stadium Operations office.
Lost Children: All lost children or parents looking for children should be directed to Guest Relations behind home plate.
Novelty Stores: There are two novelty stores located within the ballpark -- one next to the home-plate gate and one next to the center-field gate.
Telephones: There are no pay telephones in the Stadium. There is a telephone at Guest Relations which guests may use in cases of emergency.
Washrooms: Located throughout the ballpark.
Will Call: Team and player will call can be picked up with a photo ID at the Player Will Call Booth adjacent to the Home Plate Ticket Office.
ADA Accommodations
Parking: ADA parking and drop-off are available in the lot at the main entrances.
Seating: Wheelchair spaces are located throughout the facility. Companion seating is available for each fan with disabilities.
Concession Stands: All concession stands throughout the ballpark are accessible to fans with disabilities.
Washrooms: All washrooms are accessible to fans with disabilities. Family restrooms are located at the tops of sections 104, 109, 118 and in the center-field courtyard.
Water Fountains: Water fountains are located throughout the ballpark and are also accessible to fans with disabilities.
Ticket Windows: All ticket windows are located outside the ballpark and are accessible to fans with disabilities.
Accessible Ramp: To access accessible seating for sections 3, 4, 11, 15, 26 and 27, guest may use the accessible ramp located down the third-base line next to section 128.