Q: Hey, Lou Seal. Everyone has been wondering where you are from.
LOU SEAL: I was born on the Farallon Islands just west of the Golden Gate Bridge and I grew up right here in San Francisco. Currently I live under the Lefty O'Doul Bridge in the China Basin district of San Francisco. I love this spot since I'm swimming distance from the team's home, Oracle Park. Being so close gives me more time to do what I do best - root for the greatest team of all time: the Giants!
Q: Do you come from a large family?
LOU SEAL: Yeah, I come from a very large family. Us seals mature pretty quickly so I have a lot of relatives that I've never met -- until I became the Giants' team mascot! Now I have uncles, aunts, cousins and nephews coming out of the woodwork asking me for tickets and stuff.
Q: Are your parents proud of you?
LOU SEAL: My parents are extremely proud of me! I am the first one in my family to earn a paycheck that isn't paid in smelt or other small fish. My family is so happy the new ballpark has opened up. Now they can watch me perform from the Bay.
The ballpark is pretty high-tech. I have suggested to the Giants to put some underwater television monitors below the waterfront so my folks can watch me on television.
Q: Sounds like you have quite a sweet tooth!
LOU SEAL: Yes I do! Yet I always make sure I brush my teeth three times a day. My whiskers make great dental floss!
Q: How did you become such a huge Giants fan?
LOU SEAL: I'm a San Francisco native and the Giants are in my blood! My dad was a big-time Giants fan and so was my grandpa! How can anyone not be a Giants fan!?! We've had so many great players over the last 40 years like Mays, McCovey, Marichal and Bonds -- you just gotta love the Giants!
I love cheering with the fans and helping to keep our team morale up and positive!
Q: Sounds like your family has quite a baseball history.
LOU SEAL: Oh yeah! Because of my great-grandfather, the original San Francisco minor league baseball team was named the San Francisco Seals. As Grandpa told it, the original owner was walking along Pier 23 trying to think of a name for his team. A burst of wind came and blew his cap off his head and into the Bay. My great-grandfather retrieved it with his nose and gave it back to the man. From that moment on, they were called the San Francisco Seals!
At least that's what my grandpa tells me. It may be just a marine legend.
Q: So you must love your job.
LOU SEAL: It is a dream job! I love cheering with the fans and helping to keep our team up and positive! It is no small coincidence that we have done so well since my first year on the job. It was not just Brian Sabean who helped turn this team around, the Big Lou had something to do with it too, you know.
Q: Besides going to baseball games, what else do you enjoy doing?
LOU SEAL: I love making public appearances. It is great getting out and meeting Giants fans. I enjoy going to community and charity events, schools, birthday parties. I especially love attending corporate get-togethers.
I've done some appearances at some of the Dugout stores. It was great fun. When I'm not at a game or making an appearance, you might find me relaxing at Pier 39, chasing mermaids or fishin' for mackerel.
Q: What is your advice to kids on how they should enjoy a Giants game?
LOU SEAL: They should wear a Giants cap, bring their glove to the game and root, root, root for the Giants! And don't be afraid to join Lou in the conga line!
Full Name:?Luigi Francisco Seal
Position:?Left Out (Team Mascot)
Born:?July 25, 1996
Bats:?Right flipper
Throws:?Right flipper
Height:?Taller than the average seal
Weight:?He could use a diet
Hair:?Battleship grey
Like a fish out of water, Lou's flip-flopping mystique and crazy sense of humor contribute high-powered enthusiasm to Felipe's roster. Known for his "Let's see what I can get away with next" philosophy, Lou has accomplished many daring feats ... 25 attempts of unsuccessfully kicking the umpire in the seat of his pants ... actually stole home plate five times ... 19 headstands behind home plate ... placed 2.5 banana peels in the path of the opposing team ... Five-time champion of "Act Crazy Behind The Fox Newscaster Without Getting Caught!" ... has given 2,562 nuggies, polished 843 bald heads, directed more than 12 major name pregame music bands ... won the 1998 Easter Seal Mascot Baseball Game as a member of S.J. Sharkie's Heroes ... caught 13 "fowl" balls with his mouth.
Participates in visiting hospitals, youth organization and civic groups throughout Northern California and San Francisco.
Graduated from Pier 39 Flipper Academy, majoring in Beach Ball Balancing and Shark Avoidance ... started own crab-leg restaurant at Fisherman's Wharf, where he invented Clam Chowder in a Bread Bowl ... won the San Francisco Tuna Eating Contest flippers-down from 1997-98 ... once grew his whiskers so long, he was mistaken for an octopus ... someday aspires to be a special guest on "Baywatch."
Spotted by Dusty Baker at Pier 39. Turned down offers from other teams to sign with the Giants.
Enjoys going to the movies, eating dinner (lots of it), dancing (all the time), swimming, playing baseball and many other sports, and likes to watch ESPN when at home.