- Splash Cash is value stored in the barcode of certain game tickets.
- Splash Cash can be added to single game and group tickets during the ticket sales process. Splash Cash cannot be added to promotional tickets (Special Events, season tickets, flash sales unless explicitly otherwise stated).
- Splash Cash can be redeemed for food and beverage at concession stands or merchandise at in-ballpark stands or the Oracle Park Dugout Store. Splash Cash is not accepted at certain specialty locations like Cotton Candy and Lemonade carts, with walking vendors, for in-seat food service, nor mobile orders. Splash Cash cannot be used to purchase game tickets.
- The value stored in each ticket EXPIRES at the end of the day for which such ticket was good for. This means that Splash Cash may only be used as payment toward the cost of food, beverage and merchandise purchased at Oracle Park for the gameday stated on the ticket.
- In order to redeem the value stored in the ticket, you must have the ticket in your possession and present it at time of payment. If the barcode on the ticket is defaced, destroyed or missing, you will not be able to redeem the Splash Cash and you will not be entitled to a replacement ticket or refund.
- If you purchase an item for less than the full value stored on the ticket, you will not receive the difference back in cash. However, the value remaining may be applied toward any additional purchases until the end of the game for which the ticket was issued. Any unused stored value remaining on the ticket at the end of such game will be forfeited, and, by participating in the Splash Cash program, you agree that you will not have any claim for any such unused stored value.
- You may use more than one ticket containing Splash Cash to pay for a transaction.
- You may check the stored value on your ticket by presenting the barcode at any concession or in-ballpark stands, the Oracle Park Dugout Store, the ticket office or Customer Service locations within Oracle Park.
- If you have issues with Splash Cash on a gameday, please visit Ticket Services on the Promenade Level behind home plate.
- If you sell tickets containing Splash Cash on StubHub or transfer tickets electronically, the Splash Cash WILL transfer to the new recipient. You should inform the recipient that the ticket has stored value and that it expires at the end of the day for which the ticket was issued.
- Splash Cash is non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.