Know Before You Go - Entry Policies & Fan Code of Conduct
Persons Who Will Be Denied Entry
- Members of organized crime groups or similar antisocial organizations, or individuals closely associated with such groups.
- Persons prohibited or denied entry by the event organizer, Tokyo Dome, or the Professional Baseball Organized Crime Exclusion Countermeasure Council.
- Persons without a valid admission ticket.
- Persons who refuse to cooperate with bag checks upon entry.
- Persons who are excessively intoxicated.
- Other individuals specified in the “Match Viewing Contract Terms” or those deemed inappropriate for entry by the organizer or Tokyo Dome.
For the comfort and safety of all, fans are prohibited to enter the stadium with the following hazardous or potentially disruptive items. Major League Baseball, the Yomiuri Shimbun, and the TOKYO DOME reserve the right at any time to adjust entry policies at their sole discretion without any prior notice.
Bag Policy
- Bags larger than 45cm by 50.5cm by 77.3cm (or the size of your seat) are prohibited.
- Suitcases (regardless of size) and large luggage exceeding the personal seat area is prohibited.
- All bags are subject to search.
Prohibited Items in Tokyo Dome (Items Not Allowed Inside)
- Aerosol cans (e.g., hairspray, mace, etc.)
- Animals (except certified service animals or service animals in training)
- Baseball bats
- Beach balls or other inflatables
- Firearms, knives, fireworks, explosives, toxic substances, or other dangerous items.
- Glass bottles, cans, and plastic bottles (frozen items or those exceeding 1,000ml)
- Hard-sided coolers
- Items that the organizer or Tokyo Dome deems to be dangerous or may cause a disturbance to the event or facility management or items that may cause a disturbance to other customers as specified in the Match Viewing Contract Terms and Conditions
- Items intended for excessive seat reservation
- Items other than those specified under “Support Equipment” below
- Items that may disturb other spectators (e.g., items emitting strong odors or loud noises)
- Laser devices or pointers
- Noisemaking devices (i.e., air horns, cowbells, etc.) – exceptions for support megaphones and bats no longer than 400mm
- Skateboards and rollerblades
- Sticks or clubs exceeding 25” in size
- Strollers are not permitted inside the stadium; please use designated storage areas outside the stadium
- Toy guns or knives (including water guns)
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones)
Note: You may be denied entry if you bring prohibited items. Please use nearby coin lockers or similar facilities for storage.
Prohibited Actions
- Violent behavior (e.g., abusive language, threats, intimidation, extortion, or physical violence).
- Damaging or vandalizing facilities or equipment.
- Throwing objects into the seating areas, concourses, the field, or other areas.
- Reserving spaces in lines before staff form queues (the organizer is not responsible for self-formed or spontaneously formed lines or space reservations using tape or luggage).
- Entering restricted or prohibited areas, including the field, clubhouses, and other back of house credentialed areas.
- Climbing or hanging on dugouts, fences, barriers, handrails, or nets.
- Hanging balls, boards, or other items from fences or handrails to solicit autographs from players.
- Demanding money or other benefits from spectators for securing seats, cheering, or game-watching purposes.
- Unauthorized sales, leaflet distribution, or surveys without the approval of the organizer or Tokyo Dome.
- Watching the game from areas other than those indicated on your ticket or moving to empty reserved seats.
- Viewing from evacuation routes, including aisles, stairways, and entrances.
- Making excessive noise or disturbances inside or outside the venue.
- Excessively reserving seats in standing areas or general admission seats for personal use.
- Using flashlights, laser pointers, or similar items that may interfere with the game.
- Lighting up glowing support items (e.g., maracas or LED lights) during play.
- Using support equipment not specified under "Support Equipment" below.
- Throwing paper streamers, confetti, or jet balloons.
- Pursuing balls or other items in a manner that could harm other spectators.
- Engaging in overly disruptive cheering that disturbs others.
- Taking photographs of staff inside the stands.
- Other actions specified in the "Game Viewing Contract Terms" or deemed disruptive, dangerous, or inappropriate by the organizer or Tokyo Dome for event operation and facility management.
- The use of offensive language concerning another person’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation or national origin (“Derogatory Language”) by any fan, whether such language is directed at players, umpires or other spectators, managers, coaches, organizers and their staff, vendors, and other ballpark personnel, is unacceptable and inconsistent with the spirit of the game.
Note: Operating drones or other unmanned aerial vehicles over Tokyo Dome grounds and surrounding areas is prohibited under the Small Unmanned Aircraft Act. Violations will result in penalties as defined by law.
Support Equipment (Support Banners, Message Boards, etc.)
Baseball banners, flags, message boards, and signs as long as they DO NOT:
- Exceed 2’x2’ in size
- Have sticks exceeding 650mm in size for small flags
- Contain wood, metal or inflexible materials
- Are not excessively decorated
- Interfere with the game or other Guests’ enjoyment of the game
- Obstruct the view of other patrons
- Obstruct existing ballpark signage or advertising
- Attach to any ballpark walls, structures, or poles of any sort
- Display outside of patrons’ own seats between innings
Contain any language that is:
- Commercial (NO signage/ads pertaining to personal businesses or other commercial entities not associated with MLB
- Obscene (NO foul language or disrespectful statements)
- Abusive or non-supportive towards any teams, players, countries, or regions
- Political in nature
Major League Baseball, NPB, The Yomiuri Shimbun, TOKYO DOME reserves the right to remove any banner, flag, message board, and/or sign that is deemed in violation of this policy or presents a potential safety concern to the umpires, players, and coaches on the playing field.
Support Megaphones and Support Bats
- Length: Within 400mm
Other Support Equipment
- Height: Within 700mm (approximate)
- Width: Within 500mm (approximate)
- Banners, noise-making devices (e.g., trumpets, drums, whistles, bells) are not permitted unless used by officially approved private cheering squads authorized under “Special Cheering Permission Rules” by the Professional Baseball Organized Crime Exclusion Countermeasure Council.
- Support equipment must not extend beyond your seating area.
- Even within the size limits, equipment may be prohibited if it disturbs other spectators.
- Support banners and message boards must be held by one person. Items held by two or more people will be considered “banners” and are prohibited.
- Support flags, banners, and message boards must promote the team or players. Items containing offensive, defamatory, or inappropriate content, as judged by the organizer, are prohibited.
- Other support equipment specified in the “Game Viewing Contract Terms” or deemed inappropriate by the organizer or Tokyo Dome may not be used.
Tokyo Dome Is Completely Non-Smoking
To avoid congestion in smoking areas, Tokyo Dome is entirely non-smoking. Smokers may use designated smoking areas outside the venue after completing re-entry procedures.
Food, Alcohol and Other Beverage Regulations
- Outside food is permitted inside the venue. Food items that can interfere with others’ viewing or disrupt the pleasant stadium environment (such as foods with strong smells, are soupy, etc.) are not permitted into the stadium.
- Alcoholic beverages may not be brought into Tokyo Dome.
- There is no transfer service for prohibited bottles, cans, or plastic bottles (frozen or exceeding 1,000ml).
Re-Entry Policy
- Re-entry is allowed at all gates except Gates 11 and 22 until the end of the 7th inning.
- Tickets are scanned out at the designated re-entry gates. If fans exit the venue from anywhere other than the designated re-entry gates after entering and do not get their ticket scanned out, their ticket will become invalid.
- For re-entry, fans must pass through the walk through metal detectors just as when entering, and any bags will be subject to inspection.
MLB Ballpark App tickets can be scanned at Gates 21, 22, and 31. Re-entry for Ballpark App tickets is allowed only at Gate 21 until the end of the 7th inning.