Yes, and we appreciate donations in many forms!
For assistance with memorial donations or obituary requests, contact Matthew Wagner at (513)765-7233 or
To donate through your Donor Advised Fund, recommend a grant, or recurring grants, name the Reds Community Fund as a beneficiary of your fund.
To leave a legacy of support, contact Executive Director Charley Frank at (513)765-7231 or
If your workplace participates in the United Way campaign, you can designate your pledge to Reds Community Fund through United Way¡¯s Donor Choice Program. Simply follow the instructions on your pledge form or write in Reds Community Fund¡¯s contact information: Reds Community Fund, 100 Joe Nuxhall Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
To donate by mail, simply download this form, print it, and mail the completed donor form with your check to this address:
Attn: Matthew Wagner
100 Joe Nuxhall Way
Cincinnati, OH 45202-4109
To donate to the Reds Community Phone by phone, call 513-765-7000 and select Option 2.