Ticket Vouchers
Voucher redemption is subject to availability and early redemption is always recommended. All game times and dates are subject to change.
How to Redeem Your Voucher Codes via Desktop
- Once logged in, select "VOUCHERS" on the left side of the screen.
- Enter/paste in your 13-digit voucher code and hit ADD to add the voucher to your account. Please Note: If you have multiple codes you will need to add them one at a time.
- Once added, select the "REDEEM OR FORWARD" box and select "REDEEMˇ±
- Select the vouchers you want to redeem and click "CONTINUE"
- Select the game you want to redeem and continue through the purchase flow. Free tickets will be indicated with a price of PREPAID, while other sections will display your upgrade ticket price.
How to Redeem Your Voucher Codes via MLB Ballpark App
- Open the MLB Ballpark app and tap on Brewers icon on the bottom of the screen to enter the team page.
- Enter/paste in your 13-digit voucher code and hit ADD to add the voucher to your account. Please Note: If you have multiple codes you will need to add them one at a time.
- Once added, select the "REDEEM OR FORWARD" box and select "REDEEMˇ±
- Select the vouchers you want to redeem and click "CONTINUE"
- Select the game you want to redeem and continue through the purchase flow. Free tickets will be indicated with a price of PREPAID, while other sections will display your upgrade ticket price.
Amateur Baseball Vouchers
For a full list of eligible Amateur Baseball Voucher games please visit brewers.com/amateurbaseball
Kids Crew Vouchers
For a full list of eligible Kids Crew Voucher games please visit brewers.com/kidscrew