Budgeting Buddies
Presented by Scott Credit Union
Thank you for registering to receive the free Budgeting Buddies, presented by Scott Credit Union, financial literacy curriculum.
Budgeting Buddies understands that children do not have a full understanding of how money works and aims to teach in a fun and engaging way how to save, budget and prioritize purchasing decisions.
Budgeting Buddies Curriculum
Budgeting Buddies consists both an Elementary School Curriculum and a Middle/High School Curriculum.
Elementary School Curriculum
The Elementary School curriculum consists of seven lesson topics that build upon each other. Within each topic, Activity and Fun Facts sheets are incorporated to help reinforce learning.
The Budgeting Buddies Elementary School Teacher Guide will take teachers through the curriculum step-by-step. Included in each unit are Activity Sheets with answers.
Download the Elementary School Budgeting Buddies Teacher Guide to use within your classroom!
Activity Sheets were created for each lesson. Download and print the activity sheets as a whole or individually by lesson. Activity Sheets may be printed as student handouts or may be projected onto a screen for collective class work.
The Elementary School curriculum also lends itself to adaption so it can fit best within a classroom's structure.
Please enjoy.
Throughout the curriculum, you will find Fun Facts that share additional details that will help students better understand the content being shared. Download the Fun Facts to distribute in your classroom or project on a screen and discuss as a class.
Middle and High School Curriculum
The Middle/High School Budgeting Buddies curriculum was developed in a manner that is easily presentable to students in both middle and high school so that they can gain a better understanding of how they perceive money and why. The focus will be on group lessons with independent journaling so students can reflect on their connection with money without a need to share their thoughts or fear judgement.
The Budgeting Buddies Middle/High School Teacher Guide will take teachers through the curriculum step-by-step. Included in each unit are Activity Sheets.
Download the Middle/High School Budgeting Buddies Teacher Guide to use within your classroom!
Activity Sheets were created for each lesson. Download and print the activity sheets as a whole or individually by lesson. Activity Sheets may be printed as student handouts or may be projected onto a screen for collective class work.
Throughout the curriculum, you will find Fun Facts that share additional details that will help students better understand the content being shared. Download the Fun Facts to distribute in your classroom or project on a screen and discuss as a class.
As you use the curriculum, please feel free to email us at budgetingbuddies@cardinals.com to share how you are incorporating the curriculum into your classroom as well as what you would like to see moving forward. We plan to grow the offerings each year and your input will be invaluable.
Over the course of the school year, we will also share some exciting news and opportunities related to Budgeting Buddies so be on the lookout for those details!