For more information about accessibility services provided by local public transit agencies, click the buttons below.

Whether you¡¯re planning to take public transportation or drive to Oracle Park, accessible options are available to make your journey as seamless as possible. More information about accessible options, click here.
Public Transportation
Ridehail & Passenger Dropoff
Learn more about accessible ride programs with Uber and Lyft, click the buttons below. For convenient passenger drop off, there is a guest drop-off zone on Third Street in between the O'Doul Gate and the Giants Dugout Store.
Accessible Parking Options
Please note that all fans, including those with ADA placards, must have a SpotHero reservation to park in Giants-controlled parking facilities. Fans with valid ADA placards and a parking reservation are provided priority parking spaces in Giants-controlled parking facilities on a first-come, first-served basis.
Accessibility Shuttle

The Oracle Park Accessibility Shuttle provides a free ride for those who need it between Lot A/Pier 48 and Oracle Park. The shuttle serves multiple stops within Lot A/Pier 48 and a ballpark stop at O¡¯Doul Gate.
Service begins: three hours before first pitch
Service ends: 45 minutes after last out
The shuttles circulate throughout the game.