In-Market Streaming on the NBC Sports App
For any technical questions regarding streaming content:
Please check for answers to any technical questions you may have. If you don't find your answer, please email your inquiry to
How can I stream A's games?
If you are an NBC Sports California subscriber via a participating video provider, and reside in an area where you are able to view in-market A's games on NBC Sports California, you will be able to access content on on desktop as well as on the NBC Sports app (TV Everywhere). If your provider has not yet entered into an agreement with NBC Sports California to make TV Everywhere available, you will not be able to authenticate and stream the content. Please call your participating provider if you are not able to access the stream of the game via on desktop or the NBC Sports app.
What is the NBC Sports app?
The NBC Sports app is NBC Sports Group's live streaming platform for desktops, mobile devices, tablets, and connected TVs.
Is there a cost to download the NBC Sports app?
No, the NBC Sports app is free to download. The NBC Sports app streams all games via "TV Everywhere," giving consumers additional value to their subscription service at no extra cost.
How do I verify/authenticate my video provider account?
If you are an NBC Sports California subscriber via a participating video provider, when prompted, select your video provider from the drop-down menu. You will then be asked to enter your username and password for your provider, similar to when you pay your bill online. Don't forget to check "remember me" so you don't have to log in again. If you don't have an online account with your video provider, or can't remember your username and password, please contact your video provider to learn more. If you already have a username and password from your video provider, you will not need to create a new account. If you have not previously registered an account with your video provider, you will need to do so with a valid email address. Please contact your video provider to learn more.
What if I forgot my username and/or password?
Most video providers offer a simple way to retrieve or reset your password. Please contact your video provider to learn more.
Why isn't my video provider listed?
We are actively working to add additional video providers so that all NBC Sports California viewers have access to TV Everywhere. If your provider is not listed, please contact your provider and express your interest in receiving this service. Check back regularly to see if your provider has been added to the list of participating distributors.
Can I access A's games via a connected TV device?
Yes. Live streams of A's games on NBC Sports California are available via the NBC Sports app on connected TV devices after first authenticating your subscription. The NBC Sports app is powered by Playmaker Media and is available on Apple iOS, Android and select Samsung devices, as well as on Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, Win10 and Xbox.
Can I stream A's games while I'm out of town?
his functionality is currently not available. While you cannot stream out of market, you can stream if you are traveling within the NBC Sports California A's territory.
Why am I blacked out of my A's game via TV Everywhere?
Just as with televised A's games on NBC Sports California, availability of games via TV Everywhere is subject to territorial blackout restrictions.
I didn't have any (traveling/concurrency/misc. tech) issues with the NBA/NHL - why am I receiving this message for MLB content?
MLB content is subjected to a different set of technical and security requirements than NBA / NHL games.
I am at work, in my local market on a desktop computer, but am blacked out?
In some instances, such as at work, some networks utilize a shared, out-of-state wireless or internet service provider. In this instance, your desktop is registered as out of state given the internet ISP is based out-of-state. As a result, your desktop will be blacked out, as our games are subject to territory blackouts.
If this is not the case, please follow the "tech question" escalation (as written in the first question above).
Is NBC Sports California or NBC Sports content available without a video provider subscription?
Yes, you can continue to or download the NBC Sports app to access certain event clips, highlights, and expert commentary without a video provider subscription.