The Red Sox are proud to announce that we've switched to clean, renewable electricity and have been recognized by the U.S. EPA as a Green Power Partner!
Red Sox Greening Partners

National Resources Defense Council
The National Resources Defense Council is the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the grassroots power of 1.3 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals.
In 2007, the Boston Red Sox partnered with the NRDC to develop a five year greening plan for Fenway Park. The NRDC lent its expertise and guided the Red Sox in its environmental endeavors including the installation of a solar panels and the implementation of the Green Team.
The Red Sox have reduced Fenway Park's total electric usage by 12 percent since 2014 by working with New England's largest energy provider, Eversource, on 20 different energy conservation projects, such as retrofitting the ballpark with LED lighting, automated lighting controls throughout the park, and the installation of high efficiency heating and cooling equipment.
National Grid
National Grid, an electricity and gas company, is at the heart of one of the greatest challenges facing our society - to create new, sustainable energy solutions for the future and developing an energy system that underpins economic prosperity in the 21st century.
National Grid was key to the 2008 installation of solar hot water panels. Its energy expertise and support was crucial for the first installation of solar technology at a Major League Baseball stadium.

Waste Management
Waste Management is North America's leading provider of integrated environmental solutions. Through its subsidiaries, the company provides collection, transfer, recycling and resource recovery, and disposal services. It is also a leading developer, operator and owner of waste-to-energy and landfill gas-to-energy facilities in the United States.
Waste Management supports the recycling and composting efforts of the Boston Red Sox. Waste Management guided Fenway Park as it transitioned to a single-stream recycling facility, helped place blue recycling bins throughout the park, and helped to implement a composting program.
Greenovate Boston
Greenovate Boston is a collective movement and innovative solution to ensure a greener, healthier and more prosperous future for the city by meeting Mayor Marty Walsh's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2020. Propelled by creativity and drive, Greenovate Boston will encourage continued sustainable growth within the city, making Boston the greenest in the United States.