Lansdowne Pavilion
The Lansdowne Pavilion offers sweeping views of Fenway Park and the Boston skyline, allowing your guests to take in the action while having access to all of Fenway's best amenities. Whether you choose to watch the game from your seat or mingle with friends on the deck, this package offers the best of both worlds.
- 10-16 passes to a private area atop the Coca-Cola Deck
- Private pregame tour of Fenway Park
- On-field access during batting practice
- Pregame meal in the Aura Club
- Private beverage cart with dedicated attendant (beer, wine, peanuts, and Cracker Jack included)
- Dedicated Red Sox host
- Group message on New Balance scoreboard
- Gift bag for each guest
- Silver Game: $5,000
- Red Game: $4,750
- Yellow Game: $4,500
- Green Game: $4,250
- Blue Game: $4,000
Pricing based on 10 guests. Option to add six additional guests at $300 per head.
All pricing is subject to change