Donation Requests

Thank you for your interest in an in-kind donation from the Kansas City Royals. Each year, the Royals donate autographed merchandise, collectable items, and tickets to support charitable organizations that positively impact our community.
How to Request a Donation
- Requests must be submitted online at least six (6) weeks prior to the date of your event.?
- All requests must be submitted online through the form below. Due to the volume of requests, no phone calls, emails, or faxes will be accepted.?
- The online donation form must be completed in its entirety for your request to be considered.?
- Be prepared to provide a brief explanation of the event, including date, contact name, contact email, contact phone number, complete mailing address and the organization's Federal Tax ID information. The organization's 501(c)(3) determination letter must be attached in one of the following formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, or .xlsx. Limit the file size to less than 5MB.?
- Requests are limited to one donation item per organization per calendar year.?
- Submitting a request does not guarantee a donation.?
- The Kansas City Royals do not accept fan merchandise for being autographed for a charity event or personal use. By team policy, we cannot accept items via mail or in person for delivery to players. Thank you for not sending personal items as we cannot be responsible for their return.?
- Due to the volume of requests, we must limit our donations to the Kansas City Royals six (6) state region: Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.?
- Donations are at sole discretion of the Kansas City Royals.?
- Organizations which receive an item must complete an online reply form after the event, including the amount the item raised for the event, to be considered for future requests.
Eligible Organizations
- Organizations must include a Tax ID to ensure non-profit or government entity legal status.?
- Donations are for charitable purposes only (e.g., auctions and raffles).?
- As we receive hundreds of requests each week, we prioritize organizations that most closely align with our Community Impact strategy. These organizations include:?
- Youth baseball and softball programs?
- Military & First Responders?
- Non-profit partners in education?
- Community service agencies, especially those serving children
Ineligible Requests
The Kansas City Royals will not consider in-kind donation requests for:?
- Individual benefits/memorials?
- Third-party fundraising events (i.e. United Way, Relay for Life, etc.)?
- Fraternal, labor, or political groups?
- High School post-prom or graduation parties?
- Sales incentives, corporate gifts, or donations to for-profit entities?
What Is Next?
Once a request is submitted, it will be sorted on a first come first serve basis by event month. All decisions made by the Kansas City Royals Community Impact Department are final.?
Please do not call about your donation status. You will receive notification once your request is processed via the e-mail address provided on your request. Please set up your e-mail to receive messages from a "Salesforce" domain. If you have not received a notification and your event is less than two weeks away, please check your spam folder.?
To be considered for future requests, organizations which receive an item must complete an online reply form after the event, including the amount the item raised for the event.?
Please consider the environment should you choose to send a Thank You note. Save paper, postage, and time by emailing your Thank You to