Our first issue
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are some products sold out? I've been unable to locate a particular product on your website.
A: Your desired item is likely sold out, but feel free to inquire at publications@cardinals.com. We'll be happy to investigate further.
Q: How far back does your inventory go?
A: Our print products date back to 1992, which is the first season of Cardinals Magazine. At our launch, we had more than 25,000 magazines and 3,700 yearbooks in stock, and in the near future, we will add scorecards and calendars to our inventory.
Q: I've placed my order. When can I expect it in the mail?
A: Your shipment will arrive two to three weeks from date of purchase through U.S. Mail or FedEx.
Q: I received an empty envelope in the mail OR my products arrived damaged OR I am missing a portion of my order. What should I do?
A: We will be happy to send a replacement copy to you. E-mail us at publications@cardinals.com or call 314-345-9303 and provide your name, address and reason for the replacement.
Q: I love the vintage collection, so I now want to subscribe to Cardinals Magazine. How do I sign up?
A: Please call 314-345-9000 or visit cardinals.com/publications.

A salute to No. 51

Celebrating our 19th Pennant