In-Kind Donations & Community Ticket Requests
In-Kind Donations
We support organizations in the Greater Cleveland area that focus on education, health and youth sports with autographed memorabilia to assist in fundraising and tickets for community groups that could not otherwise attend games. As we receive hundreds of requests each week, we prioritize organizations that most closely align with our Community Impact strategy. There is no guarantee that your request will be fulfilled.
These organizations include:
- Youth baseball and softball programs
- Military/Police/Fire/Service
- Non-profit partners in education, health and wellness
- Community service agencies
Multiple submittals will not be accepted
Please review the following donation guidelines before submitting your request:
- All requests must be submitted ONLINE and at least six (6) weeks prior to the date of the event. Mailed/Phoned/Emailed/Faxed requests will NOT be accepted.
- Organizations must include a Tax ID to ensure non-profit or government entity legal status.
- We may not consider donation requests for individual benefits/memorials and third-party fundraising events.
- If approved for an in-kind donation, the item must be picked up at Progressive Field on an assigned date. Items will not be shipped. This helps us ensure that our donations are impacting our local community.
Please fill out the online Donation Request Form below. When finished, click the 'submit' button at the end of the form. The form will be assessed by the Cleveland Guardians Community Impact Department.
Community Ticket Requests:
Through our partnership with Major League Baseball, we are happy to provide tickets via the MLB Community Ticket program. The goal of the program is to provide tickets to children and adults who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend a Major League Baseball game.
Please review the following donation guidelines before submitting your request:
- We are unable to provide charitable tickets to organizations for fundraising purposes. These tickets are not to be used in raffles, auctions, or other fundraising capacities, but rather as a mechanism to bring underserved populations to the ballpark.
- If you are part of a returning group, approval will be based on your redemption percentage from the previous season.
- Each request can include up to 25 tickets. Each ticket is good for one Upper Deck seat to the agreed upon date.
- If your game date is rained out, you must complete a new request. These tickets do not qualify for the normal rainout ticket policies and make up dates.
- Tickets will only be transferred via the Ballpark App, tickets will not be printed.
Please fill out the online Ticket Request Form below. When finished, click the 'submit' button at the end of the form. The form will be assessed by the Cleveland Guardians Community Impact Department.