Entry Policies
Service animals are welcomed at Petco Park. In keeping with U.S. ADA regulations, disabled guests may use either a dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the guest. The work or tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the guest's disability. Animals that solely provide emotional support or companionship to a guest will not be permitted inside the ballpark.
On select promotional dates (such as Bark at the Park), a limited number of pets are permitted into certain areas of the ballpark. Exceptions will be made at the discretion and authorization of the San Diego Padres.
When Gallagher Square is open to the public, the City of San Diego enforces the "leash law" as stated in San Diego Municipal Code ¡ì63.0102 Use of Public Parks and Beaches Regulated (b)(2).
For enhanced ballpark security and to expedite the entry process for all of our guests, Petco Park will prohibit bags with the exception for single compartment clear plastic bags not exceeding 12¡± X 6¡± X 12¡± and infant and medical bags. Clutches and purses no larger than 5¡± X 7¡±.

The San Diego Padres welcome and encourage fan support including homemade signs and banners. To ensure that these articles do not distract others, we ask that guests adhere to the following guidelines:
Banners not be placed in the direct sight line of the batter and/or hung in any area of the playing field or over seat backs, protective railings, infringe on the sight lines of other guests, obstruct any advertising signage or video ribbon boards, be larger than four (4) feet by eight (8) feet in size, or be commercial, political, or obscene in nature.
The Padres have sole discretion to permit or remove any sign or banner from the ballpark at any time.
For general safety reasons, guests are not permitted to bring bats, brooms, wooden sticks, or rods of any sort into the ballpark. Small whiskbrooms or small souvenir bats are permitted. Please refer to Prohibited Items for a complete listing of items not allowed in the ballpark.
Inflatable items (such as baseballs, bats, beach balls, dolls, etc.), frisbees, and other similar objects are prohibited inside Petco Park. Please refer to Prohibited Items below for a complete listing of items not allowed in the ballpark.
There are several bike racks located outside the perimeter of the ballpark where guests can park their bike.
Factory-sealed plastic bottled water that is still, clear and unflavored and that is one (1) liter or less, and soft-sided single juice or milk containers or ADA required liquids in a sealed container are permitted into Petco Park. Guests with disabilities may bring factory-sealed plastic or paper containers that contain liquids required for medical reasons into the ballpark.
Guests are welcome to bring non-professional still cameras and video cameras into Petco Park for their personal use provided the lenses are no longer than 6" long and do not have extra detachable lenses. Guests must avoid obstructing the views of others when using photography equipment. The San Diego Padres reserve the right to request that guests discontinue filming or taking photographs on ballpark property.
Please note that special events taking place at Petco Park may require different policies.
Guests are welcome to use cellular telephones in Petco Park provided their use does not disturb other guests.
The use of chewing or smokeless tobacco by guests is prohibited in Petco Park.
Petco Park offers complimentary admission to children under 36 inches in height, provided they are accompanied by an adult with a valid ticket. These children must sit in the lap of the accompanying adult and not occupy an additional seat.
Re-entry is permitted at Petco Park. Guests should get their digital ticket scanned before exiting and then re-enter by scanning their ticket again.
The San Diego Padres permit guests to bring food into Petco Park intended for individual consumption (not for groups of individuals) and should be consumed in one¡¯s seat. Outside food cannot be brought into any ballpark restaurant, club lounge, or suite. Guests must also adhere to the following:
- All food items should be wrapped, bagged, or left inside a container to avoid spillage.
- Food that might be thrown as a projectile must be sliced or sectioned (i.e., oranges, apples, and other fruits).
- Food containers must be soft-sided and comply with Petco Park bag policies.
- Guests are allowed to bring one factory-sealed plastic bottled water that is still, clear, and unflavored and that is one (1) liter (32 ounces) or less, and soft-sided single juice or milk containers or ADA required liquids in a sealed container.
- One (1) liter reusable water bottles (no glass) are permitted and must be empty upon entry into the ballpark.
- California liquor regulations prohibit guests from bringing alcoholic beverages into Petco Park. Security officers at every gate will inspect packages, bags, and purses to prevent guests from bringing bottles, cans, or any other type of liquid containers of alcohol into Petco Park.
All entry gates will open to guests 90 minutes prior to first pitch. Season Ticket Members have access to enter 2 hours prior to first pitch at two designated gates (Park Boulevard Gate and Home Plate Gate). Gate times are subject to change for special events, including Opening Day, select promotions, and Postseason play.
The San Diego Padres are committed to ensuring a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable ballpark experience for all guests. Please read the following carefully as the San Diego Padres maintain a zero-tolerance policy regarding any guest who violates the Guest Code of Conduct. Any guest who does comply with the following may be subject to immediate ejection without refund and revocation of season tickets and/or future ticket privileges.
- Guests shall not disrupt the progress of the game or event by their actions.
- Guests shall not enter the field or other restricted areas, throw any item on the field or interfere with the game itself.
- Guests shall not wear inappropriate or indecent clothing, which may detract from other attendees¡¯ experience, and shall wear appropriate clothing and footwear at all times.
- Guests shall refrain from inappropriate displays of affection, as Petco Park is a public family-friendly venue.
- Guests shall not use foul or abusive language, obscene gestures, inconsiderate, vulgar, or otherwise inappropriate behavior toward San Diego Padres employees, partners, players and/or other guests.
- Guests shall present their tickets when requested and sit only in their ticketed locations.
- Guests shall not solicit, buy, sell, resell, or trade any goods, products or services on or around Petco Park, unless bought from authorized concession and merchandise sellers.
- Guests shall comply with San Diego Padres¡¯ requests regarding entrance, operations and emergency procedures.
If you observe a guest not following these guidelines, please utilize our Guest Text Line at 619.279.5881 by sharing the issue and location. Guests in violation will be handled in a prompt and safe manner.
Conduct, language, or attire that is deemed offensive, whether explicit or suggestive, in the San Diego Padres¡¯ sole discretion, concerning another person¡¯s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or national origin or use of any betting-related, abusive fan speech and behavior that is directed at players, players¡¯ family members, San Diego Padres employees and partners, umpires, or guests will not be tolerated at Petco Park.
The San Diego Padres are always interested in receiving feedback. Please email comments@padres.com with any questions, comments or concerns you may have about your experience at the ballpark.
Laser pointers are not permitted inside Petco Park. Please refer to Prohibited Items for a complete listing of items not allowed in the ballpark.
Musical instruments or any type of noise-making device are prohibited from being brought into Petco Park. Any exceptions will be at the discretion and authorization of the San Diego Padres.
Service animals are welcomed at Petco Park. In keeping with U.S. ADA regulations, disabled guests may use either a dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the guest. The work or tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the guest's disability. As such, animals that solely provide emotional support or companionship to a guest will not be permitted inside the ballpark.
On select promotional dates (such as Bark at the Park), a limited number of pets are permitted into certain areas of the ballpark. Exceptions will be made at the discretion and authorization of the San Diego Padres.
When Gallagher Square is open to the public, the City of San Diego enforces the "leash law" as stated in San Diego Municipal Code ¡ì63.0102 Use of Public Parks and Beaches Regulated (b)(2).
For the comfort and safety of all, guests are not permitted to enter Petco Park with the following hazardous or potentially disruptive items:
- Alcoholic beverages
- Amplified music, bullhorns or loudspeakers (except as approved by the Padres)
- Animals (except ADA Recognized Service Animals)
- Bags with the exception for single compartment clear plastic bags not exceeding 12¡± X 6¡± X 12¡± and infant and medical bags. Clutches and pursed no larger than 5¡± X 7¡±
- Ball retrievers (except baseball mitts)
- Balls of any type (except autographed baseballs)
- Balloons (except as approved by Padres for special events)
- Banners or signs larger than 4 feet by 8 feet, may not be commercial, political or obscene (May not block guest views or any ballpark signage)
- Bats, full sized brooms, sticks, rods (except small souvenir bats)
- Bicycles (may be parked at approved bike parking at gates)
- Bubble-making devices
- Cameras with lenses longer than 6 inches. No extra detachable lenses
- Drones, remote controlled unmanned aerial vehicles or other motorized vehicles/devices
- Drugs or other illegal substances/paraphernalia (including Medical Marijuana)
- Firearms
- Fireworks or other incendiary devices
- Frisbees, footballs or other throw able sports devices
- Glass containers of any type
- Hard sided coolers
- Hover boards
- Inflatables (unless approved by the Padres)
- Knives of any type
- Lawn chairs or rigid framed seating devices (Except ADA or as approved by the Padres)
- Laser pointers
- Microphones (for non-credentialed media)
- Noise-making devices (unless approved by the Padres)
- Obscene or offensive clothing likely to provoke an aggressive response from others
- Segways
- Selfie sticks
- Skateboards, scooters, razors
- Smokeless/chewing tobacco & vaporizers
- Tents (unless approved by the Padres)
- Umbrellas - large umbrellas that block sightlines or signage.
- Wagons - only wagons that can be pushed (rather than pulled) and that have safety child restraints are allowed
- Wallet chains
- Weapons of any other type (tasers, nunchaku, pepper spray, mace, expandable batons, etc.)
Guests are encouraged to leave prohibited items at home or in their car. All items are subject to search prior to entry. Any guest intentionally possessing a prohibited item inside Petco Park is subject to ejection from the ballpark and may be subject to criminal arrest and prosecution.
Prohibited items placed in amnesty boxes located at entrance gates will not be returned.
The San Diego Padres reserve the right to adjust Petco Park entry policies at their sole discretion without any prior notice. Please note, special events taking place at Petco Park may require different policies.
For everyone¡¯s safety, Petco Park uses video surveillance cameras at all entry gates and inside the ballpark that are monitored 24 hours every day.
Segways will not be permitted within Petco Park.
Complimentary shuttle service is available for guests with disabilities. The shuttles provide transportation between the Padres Parkade, Tailgate Park, the MTS Garage and Petco Park. The shuttle service is available two (2) hours prior to the start of a scheduled game and continues for approximately one-half (1/2) hour following the conclusion of the game. Guests upon arrival may also text ¡°requesting a shuttle and location¡± to 619.279.5881. Guests wishing to utilize this service following the game should report to Park Boulevard and Imperial Avenue as a designated shuttle pickup.
Our guests¡¯ patience is requested. Service will be provided in the order that the calls are received.
Petco Park is a smoke-free facility. This includes vaping/e-cigarettes.
Petco Park welcomes guests with strollers, wheelchairs and walkers. However, their use must not limit guest movement or block aisles.
Guests should refrain from leaving strollers unattended or storing them on the concourse or in the seating bowl. For guest convenience and ballpark safety, items with wheels can be self-parked at the Guest Services Centers located on the Field Level (Main Concourse), at Section 108, Section 131 or Section 303.
Small, collapsible umbrellas are allowed in Petco Park. Any umbrella that blocks sightlines or becomes a nuisance for any reason to other guests is not permitted. Padres reserve the right to ask guests to lower their umbrellas for the enjoyment of all guests in attendance.
Factory-sealed plastic bottled water that is still, clear and unflavored and that is one (1) liter or less are permitted into Petco Park. In addition, one (1) liter reusable water bottles (no glass) are permitted and must be empty upon entry into the ballpark.
The San Diego Padres remain committed to ensuring that the Petco Park experience is an enjoyable and accessible one for guests with special needs. We continue to fine-tune this award-winning ballpark from both operational and facilities standpoints.