Citizens Bank Park is located in the heart of the Sports Complex in South Philadelphia at One Citizens Bank Way, Philadelphia, PA 19148.
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Ballpark Information
Purchasing Tickets
Season, Group and Individual Game Sales: 215-463-1000
Ticket Office
Located at the First Base Gate Entrance on Pattison Avenue. For all home games, additional ticket windows are open on Citizens Bank Way.
Gate Openings
- Third Base Gate and Left Field Gate will partially open 2 hours prior to first pitch. This area includes Pass & Stow, the New Era Team Store, Coca-Cola Corner, Ashburn Alley, The Yard, and seating in Sections 140-148, Section 101-103, and CP Rankin Club seats.
- The remaining gates and the entire ballpark will open 90 minutes prior to first pitch.
Saturday and Sunday
- Third Base Gate and Left Field Gate will partially open 2 1/2 hours prior to first pitch. This area includes Pass & Stow, the New Era Team Store, Coca-Cola Corner, Ashburn Alley, The Yard, and seating in Sections 140-148, Section 101-103, and CP Rankin Club seats.
- The remaining gates and the entire ballpark will open 90 minutes prior to first pitch.
Times are subject to change.